Balancing Negativity


Every one has a negative side and a positive side, that we may term as our dark and bright side. It is up to us what we let reign on us. Negativity is an addiction that we really love unconsciously, we are more drawn to thoughts that are negative and prone to enjoy them without even realizing it.  Being overpowered by negativity does not mean that you are a bad person but it means that your thought process is not in the right direction for you. The thoughts that are detrimental for us and overpower us so much that they govern our actions is a negative thought pattern. 

The reason I talk about it so confidently is that at one time rather for a long time, I have enjoyed being negative and have  devastated my life to the point that it appeared that it is over. By being negative I attracted bad experiences, severe ailments, accident and was drowned in misery. I loved to pity myself. Why I became negative, did have a justified reason but now that I look back I think there are always ways to come out of our miseries and circumstances that cause them. I am not an exception who brooded over her problems and indulged in self pity rather than finding solutions. Thankfully after reading a lot of books that changed my perception towards life, I not only emerged from my state but have controlled my thought patterns.  I would like to emphasize here that we have to be very disciplined in governing our thought patterns because they shape our life. Thought patterns are governed by our mind and hence, we have to govern our mind. Mind control is the mantra here. Try to connect with your subconscious mind which is called the higher mind. The easiest way to connect with it is to meditate and listen to it by silencing all the inner noise. Our gut feeling arises from our subconscious mind. You balance your mind and you will be able to balance your life.

I read, I contemplated, I introspected and I deeply studied myself to change my behavior and thought patterns. In the beginning I found it quite difficult but my previous state had made me so desperate to get rid of misery that I was prepared to do anything for it. My spiritual inclination and practice also helped me a lot.

Now I would like to share with you the simple practices that I followed to be positive and happy. First of all I connected with myself by watching myself as if I was a second person and I still do, that will be a constant process. Then I acknowledged all my fears and frustrations. Thought about the reasons from which they had stemmed and eradicated those reasons. I pushed myself to be happy and enjoy every circumstance by seeing the bright side of it shunning my habit to see what is missing and be sad about it. I have started living in today rather than the future and consider it a present. When things do not happen my way, I have learnt to trust the Universe on the logic that it is uncountable times more intelligent that I am and if something is not happening the way I want it may not be good for me, I may think something to be great, but the Universe knows all the consequences. The Universe is a friendly place and I am going to be happy in its friendship without doubting it. One has to be a believer to be happy in life. If you are a believer than the universe gives you everything in manifold. If you try to share your happiness and strive to give happiness and love to the people around you then you are showered with happiness and love. I have learnt how important it is to be in the company of good people. We should only be in the company of happy, positive and progressive people who bring out the best in us, whose influence will help us rise. I did have this habit before but now it is stronger than ever, I avoid, negative people, negative talks and negative environment that would fan and bring out my negative instincts. I only stay with those people who motivate me to be my best. If I fall in negative company by chance first I try to be positive but if I see that it is not being cared for then I distance myself. There are different classes of people, one who are wiling to evolve, one who are happy in their state but are open to change and the third class who want to be vice and will try to influence you too. One should stay away from the people of this category. However, I do not judge people and form opinions and discuss them with others but yes, I understand the person and tune up myself accordingly.I do not criticize people and accept them the way they are. I do not find it very difficult to adjust with people because I am a loner, I am with people for only for short spells. I enjoy my solitude. Every one is not like me so, if we are aware of how to deal with people keeping in mind positivity then it is easy to get along with everyone. It is a universal rule, if you are positive you will only attract positive people and positive circumstances in your life. My endeavor is to evolve in this life. My journey has just started and I am excited to delve deeper. I wanted to share my happiness and this little secret to make you happy. I read it in Robin Sharma’s  (The author of ‘The Monk who Sold His Ferrari’ series) book – ‘The Saint, The Surfer and The CEO’,  that wisdom should always be shared to help others to live an enriched life and that is what I have tried to do here.

Last but not the least, life is quite a riddle and is different for every one. To be happy in life one has to understand it very deeply and trust me there is nothing more interesting than life, as you unlock the secrets one by one, it will nothing but excite you. Books that I have read and am constantly reading have and are helping me understand the beautiful phenomenon called life. I would like to name a few that have influenced me – ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ series by Robin Sharma, The Laws of the Spirit World by Khorshed Bhavnagri, The Dr. Brian Weiss series, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, The Power of Subconcious Mind by J Murphy and the Holy Gita. Do read them, your life will change forever, for good.

Happy Living! Life is Beautiful, Live Every Moment.

© Trisha Malika Ghosh


We all follow our religions, follow the rituals and also preach about it. But do we actually live our religion, do we actually follow it? I have asked this question to myself several times in the past and it is only now in the recent past that I have got all my answers to faith and religion. It is a common practice among us that we follow rituals all our lives that our families introduce us to when we are small. We read Holy Scriptures, we chant hymns and we keep praying all our lives but do we actually relate to what we are doing, do we feel anything or is it just a mechanical task that we perform for years. There was a time when I kept fasts at least three days a week, I chanted so many mantras and regularly went to the temple. In spite of all this I never found peace and happiness, I felt I did not get any results and that God did not care about me. Life grilled me and taught me many lessons, would like to mention that the lessons were quite tough and gave me a hard time. I gave up on my so called religious life and became an atheist thinking that God favours the lucky ones and abandons the ones who suffer. Life took its own course much against my resistance to the changes but whether we like it or do not like it we have to follow the course. Until and unless we learn the lessons life wants us to learn, it will keep repeating those lessons. We have to fair well in those lessons and that is where our religion is our guide. Even though I did not feel the depth of the sentence, I said it several times that Hinduism is a way of life. Actually now that I can understand the meaning of what I said, I say that Religion is a way of life. Every religion in the world conveys the same message but even though we read our religious books several times, we fail to comprehend the message in it. We read the story and the events in it but we are not able to understand the message in it because if we did we all would live us One Big Family and not differentiate ourselves on the basis of nationality, religion, cast, creed, sex and status.

I read lot of books of different genres, attentively watched religious TV shows and I started reading the Gita and indulged in lot of contemplation when one fine day that I would call my lucky day suddenly I understood that ‘Religion is about Living our Life, Living Life the Righteous Way’. One has to take the righteous path in order to follow his religion. Our Gods and all the Prophets have all taught us to walk the path of righteousness, come what may, they never emphasized on following rituals blindly, instead rituals were established to lead a pure life. Rituals are habits to lead life in a certain way, the right way. That is what we Hindus call the ‘Karma’- It is the way that one leads his life. The Gita is the book that if one follows he will be leading nothing but a life filled of peace, fulfillment, happiness and above all righteousness and will be attracting only positive karma. The Two chapters in it, Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga, explain how a person can lead an enriched life having a strong faith. Not only the Gita but all wise men have advocated living life in a way that is beneficial not only to you but the entire mankind. The path is really simple with a simple philosophy. Be happy and make others happy. To be happy one needs to be at peace and to attain that, you must be righteous in your actions, you must be good towards your fellow human beings, you must help them with whatever limited resources you have, charity is not only about donating money but you can do that by your services too. Making a small difference to someone’s life or just bringing a smile to his face is something that gives you happiness. I have learnt that happiness and prosperity increase in manifold when you share it. You should never harbor negative thoughts; you should not be judgmental or form opinions about anyone because even we are not perfect. If a person is vice, first try to be good to him and if he is beyond repair, abandon him otherwise he will influence you, to counter his actions, you will become negative. Be a strong follower of principles, be unsparing because it is light that engulfs darkness, you do not have to be ashamed if you are different. Every single day you must try to improve, be open and alert to new learning that comes your way. We should be like babies, full of curiosity, no inhibitions and pure at heart. One must start his day with prayers as it is a means to purification and strength to carry on. Prayers instill faith and faith in yourself and God or the Universe makes you accomplish everything that you want in life. The universe is full of possibilities and wants to give you everything you want, it’s a friendly place, it just wants you to love it, love yourself and its inhabitants and it will give you back everything manifold.

My Karma is to love, be happy and to spread happiness among my fellow beings. What will your Karma be?

© Trisha Malika Ghosh. 

Aloha Amigo,

It is been months that I have not shared a single post, that is because I did not have the time to write. Nine months I was busy with Lusofonia Games 2014 and then I rested for a while as I desperately needed rest. Sports jobs are very tiring, upside of it, it the best job according to me on this planet. Anyway, I have taken up a new job as a Marketing and Communications Specialist and now I am all set to write again. Writing is my love, cannot stay away for long.

While I did not write, I have read voraciously like a glutton. I am happy to say that the books have given me the wisdom that a person requires to live his life. I would definitely like to share the wisdom with you soon.